ups, fedex and USPS shipping integration with joomla easily
step-1-> create a fedex10.php under /administrator/components/com_virtuemart/classes/shipping
/* You must fill in the "Service Logins
/* values below for the example to work
/*********** Shipping Services ************/
/* Here's an array of all the standard
/* shipping rates. You'll probably want to
/* comment out the ones you don't want
// UPS
//$services['ups']['14'] = 'Next Day Air Early AM';
//$services['ups']['01'] = 'Next Day Air';
$services['ups']['65'] = 'Saver';
//$services['ups']['59'] = '2nd Day Air Early AM';
$services['ups']['02'] = '2nd Day Air';
$services['ups']['12'] = '3 Day Select';
$services['ups']['03'] = 'Ground';
/*$services['ups']['11'] = 'Standard';
$services['ups']['07'] = 'Worldwide Express';
$services['ups']['54'] = 'Worldwide Express Plus';
$services['ups']['08'] = 'Worldwide Expedited';*/
// FedEx
$services['fedex']['FEDEXGROUND'] = 'Ground';
$services['fedex']['PRIORITYOVERNIGHT'] = 'Priority Overnight';
$services['fedex']['STANDARDOVERNIGHT'] = 'Standard Overnight';
//$services['fedex']['FIRSTOVERNIGHT'] = 'First Overnight';
//$services['fedex']['FEDEX2DAY'] = '2 Day';
$services['fedex']['FEDEXEXPRESSSAVER'] = 'Express Saver';
/*$services['fedex']['FEDEX1DAYFREIGHT'] = 'Overnight Day Freight';
$services['fedex']['FEDEX2DAYFREIGHT'] = '2 Day Freight';
$services['fedex']['FEDEX3DAYFREIGHT'] = '3 Day Freight';
$services['fedex']['GROUNDHOMEDELIVERY'] = 'Home Delivery';
$services['fedex']['INTERNATIONALECONOMY'] = 'International Economy';
$services['fedex']['INTERNATIONALFIRST'] = 'International First';
$services['fedex']['INTERNATIONALPRIORITY'] = 'International Priority';*/
$dbu = new ps_DB; // user data
$dbv = new ps_DB; // vendor data
$dbc = new ps_DB; // country data
// get user info
$q = "SELECT * FROM #__{vm}_user_info, #__{vm}_country WHERE user_info_id='" . @$_REQUEST["ship_to_info_id"]."' AND ( country=country_2_code OR country=country_3_code)";
if ($dbu->num_rows()==0) {
$vmLogger->debug("Fedex::__construct() no user information returned from database where \$_REQUEST[\"ship_to_info_id\"]==".@$vars["ship_to_info_id"]);
// missing ship_to_info_id. probably a shop set up with no "choose a shipping address" step
// let's choose the first ST address we can find
$q="SELECT * FROM #__{vm}_user_info, #__{vm}_country WHERE user_id='". $_SESSION['auth']['user_id'] ."' AND address_type='ST' AND ( country=country_2_code OR country=country_3_code)";
if ($dbu->num_rows()==0) {
// or default to BT address.
$vmLogger->debug("Fedex::__construct() - Using first BT address found.");
$q="SELECT * FROM #__{vm}_user_info, #__{vm}_country WHERE user_id='". $_SESSION['auth']['user_id'] ."' AND address_type='BT' AND ( country=country_2_code OR country=country_3_code)";
// ups module will fail if none of these queries return results.
} else {
$vmLogger->debug("Fedex::__construct() - Using first ST address found.");
// destination country
// destination state code
// TODO: Make sure this works for Non-US countries
//destination ZIP
// Get a list of vendor data (including shipping address)
$q = "SELECT * FROM #__{vm}_vendor WHERE vendor_id='".$_SESSION['ps_vendor_id']."'";
// source country
// source state code
// TODO: Make sure this works for Non-US countries
// Source ZIP
// Config
global $weight_total;
//echo $weight_total."<br>";
//echo $formarweight."<br>";
//echo $extract_weight;
$config = array(
// Services
'services' => $services,
// Weight
'weight' =>$extract_weight, // Default = 1
'weight_units' => 'lb', // lb (default), oz, gram, kg
// Size
//'size_length' => 0, // Default = 8
//'size_width' => 6, // Default = 4
//'size_height' => 3, // Default = 2
//'size_units' => 'in', // in (default), feet, cm
// From
'from_zip' => trim($dbv->f("vendor_zip")),
'from_state' =>$dbv->f('vendor_state'), // Only Required for FedEx
'from_country' => $vendor_country_2_code,
// To
'to_zip' => trim($dbu->f("zip")),
'to_state' =>$dbu->f('state'), // Only Required for FedEx
'to_country' => $dbu->f("country_2_code"),
// Service Logins
'ups_access' => '0C2D05F55AF310D0', // UPS Access License Key
'ups_user' => 'dwstudios', // UPS Username
'ups_pass' => 'dwstudios', // UPS Password
'ups_account' => '81476R', // UPS Account Number
'usps_user' => '229DARKW7858', // USPS User Name
'fedex_account' => '510087020', // FedEX Account Number
'fedex_meter' => '100005263' // FedEx Meter Number
require_once(CLASSPATH ."shipping/fedex10/ShippingCalculator.php");
// Create Class (with config array)
$ship = new ShippingCalculator($config);
// Get Rates
$rates_array = $ship->calculate();
foreach ($rates_array['fedex'] as $fedexservicename=>$fedexrate)
if($fedexrate!=""||$fedexrate!=NULL ||$fedexrate!=0)
$fedexservice_rate[] = $fedexrate;
if ($cleancount == 0)
echo '<img src="fedex.jpg" border="0"><br>';
$vmLogger->notice("Fedex not provide the service your zip code.");
return false;
$radioSelected = false;
// iterate each service option and output information
echo "<div style='margin-bottom:20px;'>";
echo '<img src="fedex.jpg" border="0"><br>';
for ($service_loop=0;$service_loop < $cleancount;$service_loop++)
$html = "";
$current_service_display_name = str_replace('<sup>&reg;</sup>','',$fedexservice_name[$service_loop]);
$servicerate = $GLOBALS['CURRENCY']->convert( $fedexservice_rate[$service_loop], 'USD',$this->currency);
$servicerateFormatted = $CURRENCY_DISPLAY->getFullValue($servicerate);
$shipping_rate_id = urlencode("fedexv2|FEDEX|".html_entity_decode($current_service_display_name)."|".$servicerate);
if (((urlencode(@$d["shipping_rate_id"])==$shipping_rate_id) || ($radioSelected==false))) {
$checked = "checked=\"checked\"";
$radioSelected = true;
$checked = "";
$html .= "\n<input type=\"radio\" name=\"shipping_rate_id\" ".$checked." value=\"$shipping_rate_id\" />\n";
$html .= html_entity_decode($current_service_display_name)." ";
$html .= "<strong>(" . $servicerateFormatted . ")</strong>";
$html .= "<br />";
// output the html
echo $html;
$_SESSION[$shipping_rate_id] = 1;
echo "</div>";
//start ups shipping
foreach ($rates_array['ups'] as $upsservicename=>$upsrate)
if($upsrate!=""||$upsrate!=NULL ||$upsrate!=0)
$upsservice_rate[] = $upsrate;
if ($cleancount == 0)
echo '<img src="ups_logo.jpg" border="0"><br>';
$vmLogger->notice("UPS not provide the service your zip code.");
return false;
$radioSelected = false;
// iterate each service option and output information
echo "<div style='margin-bottom:20px;'>";
echo '<img src="ups_logo.jpg" border="0"><br>';
for ($service_loop=0;$service_loop < $cleancount;$service_loop++)
$html = "";
$current_service_display_name = str_replace('<sup>&reg;</sup>','',$upsservice_name[$service_loop]);
$servicerate = $GLOBALS['CURRENCY']->convert( $upsservice_rate[$service_loop], 'USD',$this->currency);
$servicerateFormatted = $CURRENCY_DISPLAY->getFullValue($servicerate);
$shipping_rate_id = urlencode("ups|UPS|".html_entity_decode($current_service_display_name)."|".$servicerate);
if (((urlencode(@$d["shipping_rate_id"])==$shipping_rate_id) || ($radioSelected==false)))
$checked = "checked=\"checked\"";
$radioSelected = true;
$checked = "";
$html .= "\n<input type=\"radio\" name=\"shipping_rate_id\" value=\"$shipping_rate_id\" />\n";
$html .= html_entity_decode($current_service_display_name)." ";
$html .= "<strong>(" . $servicerateFormatted . ")</strong>";
$html .= "<br />";
// output the html
echo $html;
$_SESSION[$shipping_rate_id] = 1;
echo "</div>";
---------------------------------------------End shipping class------------------------------------------
2 step-> create fedex10.ini under /administrator/components/com_virtuemart/classes/shipping
# $Id: fedex10.ini 617 2007-01-04 12:43:08 -0700 (Thu, 04 Jan 2012) soeren_nb $
name = FedEXdc
version = 10.02
creationDate = September 2005
= AJay
authorEmail =
authorUrl =
copyright = (c) 2012 Vermonster LLC
license = GNU/GPL
description = The FedEX
Shipping module by bikash ranjan nayak.
filename = fedex10.php
-------------------------------------------End ini file-------------------------------------------------------
step 3-> create to ShippingCalculator.php under administrator/components/com_virtuemart/classes/shipping/fedex10
class ShippingCalculator {
// Defaults
var $weight = 1;
var $weight_unit = "lb";
var $size_length = 4;
var $size_width = 8;
var $size_height = 2;
var $size_unit = "in";
var $debug = false; // Change to true to see XML sent and recieved
// Batch (get all rates in one go, saves lots of time)
var $batch_ups = false; // Currently Unavailable
var $batch_usps = true;
var $batch_fedex = false; // Currently Unavailable
// Config (you can either set these here or send them in a config array when creating an instance of the class)
var $services;
var $from_zip;
var $from_state;
var $from_country;
var $to_zip;
var $to_stat;
var $to_country;
var $ups_access;
var $ups_user;
var $ups_pass;
var $ups_account;
var $usps_user;
var $fedex_account;
var $fedex_meter;
// Results
var $rates;
// Setup Class with Config Options
function ShippingCalculator($config) {
if($config) {
foreach($config as $k => $v) $this->$k = $v;
// Calculate
function calculate($company = NULL,$code = NULL) {
$this->rates = NULL;
$services = $this->services;
if($company and $code) $services[$company][$code] = 1;
foreach($services as $company => $codes) {
foreach($codes as $code => $name) {
switch($company) {
case "ups":
/*if($this->batch_ups == true) $batch[] = $code; // Batch calculation currently unavaiable
else*/ $this->rates[$company][$code] = $this->calculate_ups($code);
case "usps":
if($this->batch_usps == true) $batch[] = $code;
else $this->rates[$company][$code] = $this->calculate_usps($code);
case "fedex":
/*if($this->batch_fedex == true) $batch[] = $code; // Batch calculation currently unavaiable
else*/ $this->rates[$company][$code] = $this->calculate_fedex($code);
// Batch Rates
//if($company == "ups" and $this->batch_ups == true and count($batch) > 0) $this->rates[$company] = $this->calculate_ups($batch);
if($company == "usps" and $this->batch_usps == true and count($batch) > 0) $this->rates[$company] = $this->calculate_usps($batch);
//if($company == "fedex" and $this->batch_fedex == true and count($batch) > 0) $this->rates[$company] = $this->calculate_fedex($batch);
return $this->rates;
// Calculate UPS
function calculate_ups($code) {
$url = "";
$data = '<?xml version="1.0"?>
<AccessRequest xml:lang="en-US">
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<RatingServiceSelectionRequest xml:lang="en-US">
<CustomerContext>Bare Bones Rate Request</CustomerContext>
<Length>'.($this->size_unit != "in" ? $this->convert_sze($this->size_length,$this->size_unit,"in") : $this->size_length).'</Length>
<Width>'.($this->size_unit != "in" ? $this->convert_sze($this->size_width,$this->size_unit,"in") : $this->size_width).'</Width>
<Height>'.($this->size_unit != "in" ? $this->convert_sze($this->size_height,$this->size_unit,"in") : $this->size_height).'</Height>
<Weight>'.($this->weight_unit != "lb" ? $this->convert_weight($this->weight,$this->weight_unit,"lb") : $this->weight).'</Weight>
// Curl
$results = $this->curl($url,$data);
// Debug
if($this->debug == true) {
print "<xmp>".$data."</xmp><br />";
print "<xmp>".$results."</xmp><br />";
// Match Rate
return $rate[1];
// Calculate USPS
function calculate_usps($code) {
// Weight (in lbs)
if($this->weight_unit != 'lb') $weight = $this->convert_weight($weight,$this->weight_unit,'lb');
else $weight = $this->weight;
// Split into Lbs and Ozs
$lbs = floor($weight);
$ozs = ($weight - $lbs) * 16;
if($lbs == 0 and $ozs < 1) $ozs = 1;
// Code(s)
$array = true;
if(!is_array($code)) {
$array = false;
$code = array($code);
$url = "";
$data = 'API=RateV2&XML=<RateV2Request USERID="'.$this->usps_user.'">';
foreach($code as $x => $c) $data .= '<Package ID="'.$x.'"><Service>'.$c.'</Service><ZipOrigination>'.$this->from_zip.'</ZipOrigination><ZipDestination>'.$this->to_zip.'</ZipDestination><Pounds>'.$lbs.'</Pounds><Ounces>'.$ozs.'</Ounces><Size>REGULAR</Size><Machinable>TRUE</Machinable></Package>';
$data .= '</RateV2Request>';
// Curl
$results = $this->curl($url,$data);
// Debug
if($this->debug == true) {
print "<xmp>".$data."</xmp><br />";
print "<xmp>".$results."</xmp><br />";
// Match Rate(s)
preg_match_all('/<Package ID="([0-9]{1,3})">(.+?)<\/Package>/',$results,$packages);
foreach($packages[1] as $x => $package) {
$rates[$code[$package]] = $rate[1];
if($array == true) return $rates;
else return $rate[1];
// Calculate FedEX
function calculate_fedex($code) {
$url = "";
$data = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<FDXRateRequest xmlns:api="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="FDXRateRequest.xsd">
<CustomerTransactionIdentifier>Express Rate</CustomerTransactionIdentifier>
<CarrierCode>'.(in_array($code,array('FEDEXGROUND','GROUNDHOMEDELIVERY')) ? 'FDXG' : 'FDXE').'</CarrierCode>
<Weight>'.number_format(($this->weight_unit != 'lb' ? convert_weight($this->weight,$this->weight_unit,'lb') : $this->weight), 1, '.', '').'</Weight>
// Curl
$results = $this->curl($url,$data);
// Debug
if($this->debug == true) {
print "<xmp>".$data."</xmp><br />";
print "<xmp>".$results."</xmp><br />";
// Match Rate
return $rate[1];
// Curl
function curl($url,$data = NULL) {
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 60);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0);
if($data) {
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST,1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,$data);
$contents = curl_exec ($ch);
return $contents;
curl_close ($ch);
// Convert Weight
function convert_weight($weight,$old_unit,$new_unit) {
$units['oz'] = 1;
$units['lb'] = 0.0625;
$units['gram'] = 28.3495231;
$units['kg'] = 0.0283495231;
// Convert to Ounces (if not already)
if($old_unit != "oz") $weight = $weight / $units[$old_unit];
// Convert to New Unit
$weight = $weight * $units[$new_unit];
// Minimum Weight
if($weight < .1) $weight = .1;
// Return New Weight
return round($weight,2);
// Convert Size
function convert_size($size,$old_unit,$new_unit) {
$units['in'] = 1;
$units['cm'] = 2.54;
$units['feet'] = 0.083333;
// Convert to Inches (if not already)
if($old_unit != "in") $size = $size / $units[$old_unit];
// Convert to New Unit
$size = $size * $units[$new_unit];
// Minimum Size
if($size < .1) $size = .1;
// Return New Size
return round($size,2);
// Set Value
function set_value($k,$v) {
$this->$k = $v;
i hope enjoy and save the time
if you helpful my code please donate some few amount to
developing and free to post.
/* You must fill in the "Service Logins
/* values below for the example to work
/*********** Shipping Services ************/
/* Here's an array of all the standard
/* shipping rates. You'll probably want to
/* comment out the ones you don't want
// UPS
//$services['ups']['14'] = 'Next Day Air Early AM';
//$services['ups']['01'] = 'Next Day Air';
$services['ups']['65'] = 'Saver';
//$services['ups']['59'] = '2nd Day Air Early AM';
$services['ups']['02'] = '2nd Day Air';
$services['ups']['12'] = '3 Day Select';
$services['ups']['03'] = 'Ground';
/*$services['ups']['11'] = 'Standard';
$services['ups']['07'] = 'Worldwide Express';
$services['ups']['54'] = 'Worldwide Express Plus';
$services['ups']['08'] = 'Worldwide Expedited';*/
// FedEx
$services['fedex']['FEDEXGROUND'] = 'Ground';
$services['fedex']['PRIORITYOVERNIGHT'] = 'Priority Overnight';
$services['fedex']['STANDARDOVERNIGHT'] = 'Standard Overnight';
//$services['fedex']['FIRSTOVERNIGHT'] = 'First Overnight';
//$services['fedex']['FEDEX2DAY'] = '2 Day';
$services['fedex']['FEDEXEXPRESSSAVER'] = 'Express Saver';
/*$services['fedex']['FEDEX1DAYFREIGHT'] = 'Overnight Day Freight';
$services['fedex']['FEDEX2DAYFREIGHT'] = '2 Day Freight';
$services['fedex']['FEDEX3DAYFREIGHT'] = '3 Day Freight';
$services['fedex']['GROUNDHOMEDELIVERY'] = 'Home Delivery';
$services['fedex']['INTERNATIONALECONOMY'] = 'International Economy';
$services['fedex']['INTERNATIONALFIRST'] = 'International First';
$services['fedex']['INTERNATIONALPRIORITY'] = 'International Priority';*/
$dbu = new ps_DB; // user data
$dbv = new ps_DB; // vendor data
$dbc = new ps_DB; // country data
// get user info
$q = "SELECT * FROM #__{vm}_user_info, #__{vm}_country WHERE user_info_id='" . @$_REQUEST["ship_to_info_id"]."' AND ( country=country_2_code OR country=country_3_code)";
if ($dbu->num_rows()==0) {
$vmLogger->debug("Fedex::__construct() no user information returned from database where \$_REQUEST[\"ship_to_info_id\"]==".@$vars["ship_to_info_id"]);
// missing ship_to_info_id. probably a shop set up with no "choose a shipping address" step
// let's choose the first ST address we can find
$q="SELECT * FROM #__{vm}_user_info, #__{vm}_country WHERE user_id='". $_SESSION['auth']['user_id'] ."' AND address_type='ST' AND ( country=country_2_code OR country=country_3_code)";
if ($dbu->num_rows()==0) {
// or default to BT address.
$vmLogger->debug("Fedex::__construct() - Using first BT address found.");
$q="SELECT * FROM #__{vm}_user_info, #__{vm}_country WHERE user_id='". $_SESSION['auth']['user_id'] ."' AND address_type='BT' AND ( country=country_2_code OR country=country_3_code)";
// ups module will fail if none of these queries return results.
} else {
$vmLogger->debug("Fedex::__construct() - Using first ST address found.");
// destination country
// destination state code
// TODO: Make sure this works for Non-US countries
//destination ZIP
// Get a list of vendor data (including shipping address)
$q = "SELECT * FROM #__{vm}_vendor WHERE vendor_id='".$_SESSION['ps_vendor_id']."'";
// source country
// source state code
// TODO: Make sure this works for Non-US countries
// Source ZIP
// Config
global $weight_total;
//echo $weight_total."<br>";
//echo $formarweight."<br>";
//echo $extract_weight;
$config = array(
// Services
'services' => $services,
// Weight
'weight' =>$extract_weight, // Default = 1
'weight_units' => 'lb', // lb (default), oz, gram, kg
// Size
//'size_length' => 0, // Default = 8
//'size_width' => 6, // Default = 4
//'size_height' => 3, // Default = 2
//'size_units' => 'in', // in (default), feet, cm
// From
'from_zip' => trim($dbv->f("vendor_zip")),
'from_state' =>$dbv->f('vendor_state'), // Only Required for FedEx
'from_country' => $vendor_country_2_code,
// To
'to_zip' => trim($dbu->f("zip")),
'to_state' =>$dbu->f('state'), // Only Required for FedEx
'to_country' => $dbu->f("country_2_code"),
// Service Logins
'ups_access' => '0C2D05F55AF310D0', // UPS Access License Key
'ups_user' => 'dwstudios', // UPS Username
'ups_pass' => 'dwstudios', // UPS Password
'ups_account' => '81476R', // UPS Account Number
'usps_user' => '229DARKW7858', // USPS User Name
'fedex_account' => '510087020', // FedEX Account Number
'fedex_meter' => '100005263' // FedEx Meter Number
require_once(CLASSPATH ."shipping/fedex10/ShippingCalculator.php");
// Create Class (with config array)
$ship = new ShippingCalculator($config);
// Get Rates
$rates_array = $ship->calculate();
foreach ($rates_array['fedex'] as $fedexservicename=>$fedexrate)
if($fedexrate!=""||$fedexrate!=NULL ||$fedexrate!=0)
$fedexservice_rate[] = $fedexrate;
if ($cleancount == 0)
echo '<img src="fedex.jpg" border="0"><br>';
$vmLogger->notice("Fedex not provide the service your zip code.");
return false;
$radioSelected = false;
// iterate each service option and output information
echo "<div style='margin-bottom:20px;'>";
echo '<img src="fedex.jpg" border="0"><br>';
for ($service_loop=0;$service_loop < $cleancount;$service_loop++)
$html = "";
$current_service_display_name = str_replace('<sup>&reg;</sup>','',$fedexservice_name[$service_loop]);
$servicerate = $GLOBALS['CURRENCY']->convert( $fedexservice_rate[$service_loop], 'USD',$this->currency);
$servicerateFormatted = $CURRENCY_DISPLAY->getFullValue($servicerate);
$shipping_rate_id = urlencode("fedexv2|FEDEX|".html_entity_decode($current_service_display_name)."|".$servicerate);
if (((urlencode(@$d["shipping_rate_id"])==$shipping_rate_id) || ($radioSelected==false))) {
$checked = "checked=\"checked\"";
$radioSelected = true;
$checked = "";
$html .= "\n<input type=\"radio\" name=\"shipping_rate_id\" ".$checked." value=\"$shipping_rate_id\" />\n";
$html .= html_entity_decode($current_service_display_name)." ";
$html .= "<strong>(" . $servicerateFormatted . ")</strong>";
$html .= "<br />";
// output the html
echo $html;
$_SESSION[$shipping_rate_id] = 1;
echo "</div>";
//start ups shipping
foreach ($rates_array['ups'] as $upsservicename=>$upsrate)
if($upsrate!=""||$upsrate!=NULL ||$upsrate!=0)
$upsservice_rate[] = $upsrate;
if ($cleancount == 0)
echo '<img src="ups_logo.jpg" border="0"><br>';
$vmLogger->notice("UPS not provide the service your zip code.");
return false;
$radioSelected = false;
// iterate each service option and output information
echo "<div style='margin-bottom:20px;'>";
echo '<img src="ups_logo.jpg" border="0"><br>';
for ($service_loop=0;$service_loop < $cleancount;$service_loop++)
$html = "";
$current_service_display_name = str_replace('<sup>&reg;</sup>','',$upsservice_name[$service_loop]);
$servicerate = $GLOBALS['CURRENCY']->convert( $upsservice_rate[$service_loop], 'USD',$this->currency);
$servicerateFormatted = $CURRENCY_DISPLAY->getFullValue($servicerate);
$shipping_rate_id = urlencode("ups|UPS|".html_entity_decode($current_service_display_name)."|".$servicerate);
if (((urlencode(@$d["shipping_rate_id"])==$shipping_rate_id) || ($radioSelected==false)))
$checked = "checked=\"checked\"";
$radioSelected = true;
$checked = "";
$html .= "\n<input type=\"radio\" name=\"shipping_rate_id\" value=\"$shipping_rate_id\" />\n";
$html .= html_entity_decode($current_service_display_name)." ";
$html .= "<strong>(" . $servicerateFormatted . ")</strong>";
$html .= "<br />";
// output the html
echo $html;
$_SESSION[$shipping_rate_id] = 1;
echo "</div>";
---------------------------------------------End shipping class------------------------------------------
2 step-> create fedex10.ini under /administrator/components/com_virtuemart/classes/shipping
# $Id: fedex10.ini 617 2007-01-04 12:43:08 -0700 (Thu, 04 Jan 2012) soeren_nb $
name = FedEXdc
version = 10.02
creationDate = September 2005
= AJay
authorEmail =
authorUrl =
copyright = (c) 2012 Vermonster LLC
license = GNU/GPL
description = The FedEX
Shipping module by bikash ranjan nayak.
filename = fedex10.php
-------------------------------------------End ini file-------------------------------------------------------
step 3-> create to ShippingCalculator.php under administrator/components/com_virtuemart/classes/shipping/fedex10
class ShippingCalculator {
// Defaults
var $weight = 1;
var $weight_unit = "lb";
var $size_length = 4;
var $size_width = 8;
var $size_height = 2;
var $size_unit = "in";
var $debug = false; // Change to true to see XML sent and recieved
// Batch (get all rates in one go, saves lots of time)
var $batch_ups = false; // Currently Unavailable
var $batch_usps = true;
var $batch_fedex = false; // Currently Unavailable
// Config (you can either set these here or send them in a config array when creating an instance of the class)
var $services;
var $from_zip;
var $from_state;
var $from_country;
var $to_zip;
var $to_stat;
var $to_country;
var $ups_access;
var $ups_user;
var $ups_pass;
var $ups_account;
var $usps_user;
var $fedex_account;
var $fedex_meter;
// Results
var $rates;
// Setup Class with Config Options
function ShippingCalculator($config) {
if($config) {
foreach($config as $k => $v) $this->$k = $v;
// Calculate
function calculate($company = NULL,$code = NULL) {
$this->rates = NULL;
$services = $this->services;
if($company and $code) $services[$company][$code] = 1;
foreach($services as $company => $codes) {
foreach($codes as $code => $name) {
switch($company) {
case "ups":
/*if($this->batch_ups == true) $batch[] = $code; // Batch calculation currently unavaiable
else*/ $this->rates[$company][$code] = $this->calculate_ups($code);
case "usps":
if($this->batch_usps == true) $batch[] = $code;
else $this->rates[$company][$code] = $this->calculate_usps($code);
case "fedex":
/*if($this->batch_fedex == true) $batch[] = $code; // Batch calculation currently unavaiable
else*/ $this->rates[$company][$code] = $this->calculate_fedex($code);
// Batch Rates
//if($company == "ups" and $this->batch_ups == true and count($batch) > 0) $this->rates[$company] = $this->calculate_ups($batch);
if($company == "usps" and $this->batch_usps == true and count($batch) > 0) $this->rates[$company] = $this->calculate_usps($batch);
//if($company == "fedex" and $this->batch_fedex == true and count($batch) > 0) $this->rates[$company] = $this->calculate_fedex($batch);
return $this->rates;
// Calculate UPS
function calculate_ups($code) {
$url = "";
$data = '<?xml version="1.0"?>
<AccessRequest xml:lang="en-US">
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<RatingServiceSelectionRequest xml:lang="en-US">
<CustomerContext>Bare Bones Rate Request</CustomerContext>
<Length>'.($this->size_unit != "in" ? $this->convert_sze($this->size_length,$this->size_unit,"in") : $this->size_length).'</Length>
<Width>'.($this->size_unit != "in" ? $this->convert_sze($this->size_width,$this->size_unit,"in") : $this->size_width).'</Width>
<Height>'.($this->size_unit != "in" ? $this->convert_sze($this->size_height,$this->size_unit,"in") : $this->size_height).'</Height>
<Weight>'.($this->weight_unit != "lb" ? $this->convert_weight($this->weight,$this->weight_unit,"lb") : $this->weight).'</Weight>
// Curl
$results = $this->curl($url,$data);
// Debug
if($this->debug == true) {
print "<xmp>".$data."</xmp><br />";
print "<xmp>".$results."</xmp><br />";
// Match Rate
return $rate[1];
// Calculate USPS
function calculate_usps($code) {
// Weight (in lbs)
if($this->weight_unit != 'lb') $weight = $this->convert_weight($weight,$this->weight_unit,'lb');
else $weight = $this->weight;
// Split into Lbs and Ozs
$lbs = floor($weight);
$ozs = ($weight - $lbs) * 16;
if($lbs == 0 and $ozs < 1) $ozs = 1;
// Code(s)
$array = true;
if(!is_array($code)) {
$array = false;
$code = array($code);
$url = "";
$data = 'API=RateV2&XML=<RateV2Request USERID="'.$this->usps_user.'">';
foreach($code as $x => $c) $data .= '<Package ID="'.$x.'"><Service>'.$c.'</Service><ZipOrigination>'.$this->from_zip.'</ZipOrigination><ZipDestination>'.$this->to_zip.'</ZipDestination><Pounds>'.$lbs.'</Pounds><Ounces>'.$ozs.'</Ounces><Size>REGULAR</Size><Machinable>TRUE</Machinable></Package>';
$data .= '</RateV2Request>';
// Curl
$results = $this->curl($url,$data);
// Debug
if($this->debug == true) {
print "<xmp>".$data."</xmp><br />";
print "<xmp>".$results."</xmp><br />";
// Match Rate(s)
preg_match_all('/<Package ID="([0-9]{1,3})">(.+?)<\/Package>/',$results,$packages);
foreach($packages[1] as $x => $package) {
$rates[$code[$package]] = $rate[1];
if($array == true) return $rates;
else return $rate[1];
// Calculate FedEX
function calculate_fedex($code) {
$url = "";
$data = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<FDXRateRequest xmlns:api="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="FDXRateRequest.xsd">
<CustomerTransactionIdentifier>Express Rate</CustomerTransactionIdentifier>
<CarrierCode>'.(in_array($code,array('FEDEXGROUND','GROUNDHOMEDELIVERY')) ? 'FDXG' : 'FDXE').'</CarrierCode>
<Weight>'.number_format(($this->weight_unit != 'lb' ? convert_weight($this->weight,$this->weight_unit,'lb') : $this->weight), 1, '.', '').'</Weight>
// Curl
$results = $this->curl($url,$data);
// Debug
if($this->debug == true) {
print "<xmp>".$data."</xmp><br />";
print "<xmp>".$results."</xmp><br />";
// Match Rate
return $rate[1];
// Curl
function curl($url,$data = NULL) {
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 60);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0);
if($data) {
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST,1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,$data);
$contents = curl_exec ($ch);
return $contents;
curl_close ($ch);
// Convert Weight
function convert_weight($weight,$old_unit,$new_unit) {
$units['oz'] = 1;
$units['lb'] = 0.0625;
$units['gram'] = 28.3495231;
$units['kg'] = 0.0283495231;
// Convert to Ounces (if not already)
if($old_unit != "oz") $weight = $weight / $units[$old_unit];
// Convert to New Unit
$weight = $weight * $units[$new_unit];
// Minimum Weight
if($weight < .1) $weight = .1;
// Return New Weight
return round($weight,2);
// Convert Size
function convert_size($size,$old_unit,$new_unit) {
$units['in'] = 1;
$units['cm'] = 2.54;
$units['feet'] = 0.083333;
// Convert to Inches (if not already)
if($old_unit != "in") $size = $size / $units[$old_unit];
// Convert to New Unit
$size = $size * $units[$new_unit];
// Minimum Size
if($size < .1) $size = .1;
// Return New Size
return round($size,2);
// Set Value
function set_value($k,$v) {
$this->$k = $v;
i hope enjoy and save the time
if you helpful my code please donate some few amount to
developing and free to post.
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